Monday, September 20, 2010

Sept. 20 - Monday

Jump Rope - 3 minutes

OH Press
5 x 95#
5 x 135
3 x 5 @ 165#
2 x 5 @ 155#

165# was too heavy and they were starting to become push presses, so I dropped down to keep them strict.

Bent Over Row
5 x 185#
5 x 225
5 x 5 @ 255#

2.5" DB 1-arm Clean + Jerk
5 x 70#
1 x 120# - finding a good jerk position was challenging
5 x 100#
3 x 110#

Seated DB Press
3 x 10 @ 40#

DB Row
3 x 10 @ 120#

Lat. Raise
3 x 10 @ 15#

Double KB Clean + Jerk @ 24kg
- 10 sets of 5 on the minute
- this was easy

My strict pressing sucks. Jerks feel good but do nothing for shoulder strength in the bottom pressing motion. I will work on this and keep my jerk ability.

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