Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sept. 2 - Thursday

Dynamic WU
Arm Bar @ 20kg
Windmill @ 12kg

Trained with a couple of clients today. Hamstring felt good but I didn't push it too hard with the sprints or go too heavy on the sled. The final Yoke walk was to put the toys away and I didn't want to make more than one trip.

Prowler+90# Half-Sprints
- 6 x 35 yds.

Medley - 25 yds. each leg
- Push Prowler+230#
- Yoke Walk @ 295#
- 100# sandbag carry
- Backwards drag prowler+230#

Prowler Walk - down and back 25 yds. Weight increased each trip
- 90#, 180, 250, 300

Yoke Walk @ 305#
- 100 yds.

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