Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 15 - Tuesday

Trained grip with Craig Call and his roommate Chase at noon and then squatted later in the day.

Axle Snatch
3 x 45kg - 2 sets
3 x 55kg
3 x 65kg
3 x 75
2 x 80

Axle Clean
3 x 80kg
3 x 95kg
3 x 105kg
1 x 115 - missed the rack
1 x 115kg

pinched my 110 hex for the first time ever in with other Blob lifts which was nice...:)

Safety Bar Squat
8 x 160#
5 x 250
5 x 300
5 x 340 - 3 sets - belt

Pistol - 11" box
5 x bw
5 x 24kg - 3 sets

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