Monday, May 31, 2010

May 29 - Saturday

8# standing putt - Braemar technique x 10
28# weight for distance
- 1st spin throw x 5
-2 spins throw x 4

Axle Clean + Jerk
5 x 45kg
5 x 65
5 x 85
5 x 90

Dynamic Deadlift - #3 bands doubled over
3 x 225#
3 x 315
3 x 365
3 x 405
3 x 455 - belt
2 x 475 - belt
failed x 475

8 x 200kg
8 x 250
8 x 280
5 x 300

Farmers Walk @ 32kg each hand
- 1/4 mile in 5:40 - 1 put down

Ab Work

My next competition is the Jackson Highlander on June 19 and then a grip-comp the following weekend at Summer Strong 3 at the Sorinex compound. After that, you will see more and more GS lifting.

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