Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sunday - Apr. 4

Highland events:
Open Stone
28# for distance
56# weight over bar

2-arm Jerk @ 32kg
- 3 minutes @ 8 rpm

Dynamic Squat - Safety squat bar
- 225# + #4 bands @ 14" box
- 8 sets of 2 on the minute

5 x 135#
5 x 225
5 x 315
5 x 380
5 x 440
4 x 500 - belt


  1. I'm curious about the safety squat bar. how is training with it different from conventional squats?

  2. The safety squat bar, with the way it is designed, wants to try and dump you forward. When I work with it, I really feel it in my upper back. I have found it to really help my deadlifts bigtime.

  3. Any chance you might get that HG DVD made up and sent to me?

  4. wow. thanks for the info. i just passed 300 on my DL, which I know is not a lot, and I'm looking for ways to push it up.

    seems all the cleans and snatches from my GS is helping.

  5. Most definitely Chris. I need to watch it a lot myself.
