Friday, April 23, 2010

Apr. 23 - Friday

5 x 135#
5 x 225
3 x 285
3 x 325
5 x 365

Lunges (r/l)
6 x 135#
6 x 185
6 x 225
2 x 245 - knee didn't feel right so I didn't push it

Lockout Hold
405# x 15 sec.
495 x 15 sec.
585 x 15 sec.
675 x 15 sec.

Dynamic DL @ 275# + #1 bands doubled over
- 8 x 2 on the 1:30

Seated Calf
- 4 x 8 @ 125#


  1. Hi! Great blog! What is a lockout hold?


  2. For lockout holds, I unrack a heavy weight and stand for a short period of time. I find it really helps to condition my body to heavy weights. I also have heard they can help build tendon-ligament strength when used over time.
