Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mar. 28 - Sunday

KB Juggling @ 24kg

2-arm LC @ 32kg
- 3 minutes @ 6 rpm

Standing Press
5 x 40 kg
5 x 50
5 x 59
5 x 68
4 x 77

Bent Over Row
5 x 135 #
5 x 165
5 x 185
5 x 215
12 x 240

Barbell Farmers Walks - 25ft.
275# - 15ft.
315# - failed

Cheated Upright Row - a little swing but not a full explosive high pull
8 x 40 kg
8 x 60
8 x 65
8 x 70

1-arm KB Press
8 x 24 kg
8 x 32
8 x 40
7 x 44

2-arm LC @ 24kg
- 5 minutes @ 8 rpm

- 3 x 10 @ 25# wrist flexion
- 3 x 10 @ 10# wrist extension

Ab Wheel
- 3 x 10


  1. Barbell Farmer Walks: Would that be one or two barbells at a time?

  2. one barbell in each hand. Balancing in the middle is the hardest part.

  3. So you had to pick up a 315lb BB in each hand (630 total)? That's insane! What's you max DL?

  4. Actually, I tried to pick up a 315lbs. barbell in each hand. I failed on that attempt. Was able to walk with 275# in each hand. I plan to continue this, but will take a smaller jump next time.

    My max deadlift at this time is around 650#.

  5. 550 though...that's rough. I know you sale supplements on your site. What do you actually take?

  6. I take the following from Quest Nutrition:
    1) Today' Essential - multivitamin
    2) Quest-HardCore - anti-catabolic and joint formula
    3) Quest-Plex meal replacement - 1 scoop an hour prior to workout and 1 scoop after.

    I have also used Jacked Stack prior to workouts but that is not a regular supplement for me. Usually cycled, 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off.
