Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mar. 24 - Tuesday

KB Juggling at 24kg

2-arm Clean @ 32kg
- 3 minutes @ 10 rpm

5 x 24kg
5 x 32kg
5 x 44kg
5 x 50kg
4 x 57kg

5 x 8kg
5 x 12kg
5 x 18kg
5 x 22kg
4 x 24kg

DB Incline Press @ #2 incline
- 4 x 8 @ 80#
DB Row - Fat Gripz
- 4 x 8 @ 80#

Break for clients - 1 hour

8 x 135#
8 x 225
8 x 315
8 x 405
8 x 455

Break for clients - 45 minutes

2-arm Clean @ 24kg
- 5 minutes @ 10 rpm

I am finally back at it. Spent sometime after the Arnold muddling around. Now it's time to get back to being strong. 5/3/1 template again, which kettlebell sport to begin and finish each day. I will train every other day for the most part. Instead of bench press I will perform dips, hence todays workout. Thursday will be Deadlift.


  1. Andrew-

    Sorry if you've answered this before, but what's your height and weight? Thanks.

  2. I'm 6' 4" and 225-230# depending on the day. Working to get to 235#
