Saturday, March 13, 2010

Mar. 13 - Saturday

2-arm LC @ 32kg
- 3 minutes @ 6 rpm

2-arm LC @ 24kg
- 3 minutes @ 6 rpm

Deadlift - conventional/double overhand on all sets and reps
5 x 135 #
5 x 225
5 x 315
5 x 405
5 x 455
5 x 495
5 x 495

Front Squat
8 x 60 kg
8 x 80
8 x 100
8 x 110

Seated Calf Raise
- 3 x 15 @ 80#

IronBoots Leg Curls
- 2 x 8 (r/l) @ 20#

I am finding that my CNS is still drained from the Arnold and quick/explosive lifts are difficult both physically and mentally. I think you will see me train medium to high reps with moderate weights and fewer explosive lifts over the next week or 2.

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