Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Feb. 16 - Tuesday

2-arm LC @ 24kg
- 4 minutes @ 10 rpm

Barbell High Pull w/ wrist straps
6 x 110kg
6 x 120kg
6 x 130
6 x 140

Incline DB Bench Press @ #3
8 x 80#
8 x 90
8 x 100
8 x 100

15 minutes (EDT)
Pullups - 2" bar
- 7 sets of 5
Dips + 32kg
- 7 sets of 5

I used wrist straps on the high pulls because my grip is still fried from the weekend comp.

Here are my Dino Gym Grip Comp lifts.


  1. Hey Andrew

    any chance we could get video of your back squat.

    from one fellow tall lifter to another!

    im just keen on seeing technique!


