Friday, January 8, 2010

Jan. 8 - Friday

1-arm LC @ 32kg, switch every minute
- 20 minutes @ 10 rpm

I was tired today from yesterdays 7 minute set. The 20 minutes was not hard, but was nice to break a good sweat and get weight overhead. I thought about going heavier but thought recovery for next weeks 8 minute sets was most important.

Grippers (r/l)
Trainer x 10
#1 x 10
#2 x 10, 10, 10

Formulator - 1st time using ever
5# x 10 (extend/flex)
10# x 10
15# x 8/10
20# x 0/10

90 hex block x 12 (r/l)


  1. 32kg, 20 minutes at 10 reps a minute, "not hard"- you're a bad dude Andrew

  2. I agree with Adam! If that is "not hard" I don't want to know what a "brutal" workout looks like for you.

  3. Single arm work with up to a 32kg bell has become rather none taxing for me. I'll be doing 8 minute sets this week and I'm sure they will be brutal.

  4. 20min is a long time! Good stuff!
