Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Monday - Nov. 16

Dynamic Squats w/ Terence Mitchell
2 x 135# + #4 band
2 x 225 + #4 band
2 x 275 + #4 band
2 x 315 + #4 band
2 x 315 + #4 band

Back Squat
2 x 225#
2 x 315
2 x 365
2 x 405
1 x 455 - missed

Harness Sled pull
2 x 50 yds. @ 450#

Today was Terence's first day of ever using bands and he worked up to 225# + #4 band himself. He was truly amazed at how tight he needed to stay to complete the lifts. I'm sure with a little time he will be seeing big increases in his squat numbers.

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