Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sept. 3 - Thursday

Axle Clean + Push Jerk
5 x 45 kg
5 x 65
5 x 75
5 x 85
5 x 95

2-arm Jerk @ 24kg
- 3 minutes @ 8 rpm, 3 minutes Rest
- 3 minutes @ 8 rpm, 3 minutes Rest
- 3 minutes @ 8 rpm, 3 minutes Rest
- 3 minutes @ 8 rpm, 3 minutes Rest
- 3 minutes @ 8 rpm

I was really working on holding and breathing in the overhead position. Its my weak point and not fun.

Standing Press
5 x 20 kg
5 x 30
5 x 36
5 x 45
5 x 54

Pinch Grip work
- IM Block (r/l) - 5 x 35#, 5 x 40#, 5 x 45#
- 2HP 3 sets of 5 up to 100# added, I have yet to weigh the devise so I don't have an accurate weight.

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