Thursday, August 13, 2009

Aug. 13 - Thursday

7:30am - 6 mile run with a client - 71 minutes

7:30pm - kettlebell training

2-arm Jerk @ 28kg
- 3 minutes @ 12 rpm
- 2 minutes @ 10,8

Legs and mind did not want to work this evening. I don't run (not my idea of a good time), but I am capable of running when I need to. I just was not able to regain my explosive strength needed for jerks after the slow 6 miles this morning.

Standing Press
5 x 30 kg
5 x 40
5 x 53
5 x 61
6 x 69

15 minutes (EDT)
Ring Row x 5 - 7 sets
Bottoms Up Padlock Press @ 50# x 5 - 7 sets

Pissed about the Jerks but I will be back.


  1. Hi Andrew

    hope you are well.

    I hope you don't mind but I used you as an example in my latest blog post.

    All the best

  2. Thanks very much Andrew! I appreicate it!
