Monday, June 22, 2009

Chad Woodall Grip Competition

Well the dust is beginning to settle from the past weekends grip competition in Athens, GA. Chad was able to conquer all, followed closely by Steve Gardener from Great Britain and then myself in 3rd place.

It was the biggest grip competition to date anywhere in the world. The level of competition in one room was truly amazing. I will give you some of the highlights.

Grippers were first and Steve dominated all with terrific closing of a #4. Chad was close behind while Aaron Corcoran and myself tied with a gripper just a bit stronger than a 3.5.

Next up, was the 2 hand pinch, my worst event by the way, but I am correcting that and have just purchased a 2HP devise that I will pick up this weekend. I pulled a measly 205# while the top guys(Steve, Chad and Jedd Johnson) were bunched up at 240-245#.

The Third event is my favorite, Double Overhand Axle Deadlift. I was focused the whole way; opened with an easy 401# then pulled 441 to tie Steve and Chad. They were out of lifts and I still had two to go. The bar felt good so I called up 461# to beat my previous WR of 455 in competition. EASY and I let out a primal scream at the top just for effect. I had one more attempt and with a croud of 100 on hand I wasn't going to pass. I asked for 476 and pulled it to just above my knees before lossing my grip. Oh well, we will meet again.

Next up was the Rolling Thunder on a very seasoned handle, good weights were going to be pulled on this handle. I was playing the points game well and beat the guys I needed to to solidify 3rd place heading into the final event. My official weight was 250# and then I broke 280 off the ground but didn't lock it out.

The last event was the medley and the list of objects is enough to scare most away:
1. 2HP - 215# (full dead lift)
2. 2-45's Pinch (full dead lift)
3. 6-10's welded together (full dead lift)
4. Blob 50 (full dead lift)
5. Fat Hex 50 (full dead lift)
6. 100# Anvil from top (about 4") (full dead lift)
7. Wide Hub 45 (full dead lift)
8. 3-25's (full dead lift)
9. Inch DB (full dead lift)
10. 2" DB - 210# range (full dead lift)
11. 3" DB - 135# (full dead lift)
12. IM Apollon's Axel - 375# (full dead lift)
13. (2) 7" IM Red Nails(back to back)
14. Phone Book (vertical tear)
15. RT (it will be the new IM handle) – 182 # (full dead lift)
16. IM Little Big Horn on IM loading pin - 205 # (full dead lift)
17. 2" V Bar (full dead lift) - 250 #
18. 411# Dinnie Replica (full dead lift) - it will be an actual stone...VERY cool buttrock.gif
19. Narrow Hub 45 one in each hand (full dead lift)
20. 3" Axel (DO) Dead Lift - 275#

I came in 2nd with 15 objects total, I missed the 2 - 45s, 3 - 25s, wide hub 45, the anvil and the red nails. I didn't even attempt the red nails with my hand injury 6 weeks earlier I new they were not going to be bent.

I came in 3rd overall and am very excited about my performance.


  1. Congratulations on the amazing performance Andrew!

    Great write up, I enjoyed reading it.

  2. Andrew - you've created a problem for me. I've always hid behind the fact that everyone that beats me at grip out weighs me by 50 to 100# - then you come along at only 20# more than me. I guess I'm going to have to quit making excuses and get busy. Congrats on a great performance at Chads!

  3. Chris, it's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog that counts. You are an inspiration to everyone by living with no limits yourself. I want to do what you do when I'm your age (which is 60 for those unfamiliar with climber511)
