Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tuesday - May 26

Axle High Pull
5 x 105 kg
5 x 115
5 x 115
5 x 120

Back Squat
5 x 110 kg
5 x 145
3 x 165
3 x 170
4 x 175 - belt

Step-Up (18")
- 3 x 10 (r/l) @ 20kg KBs
Seated Calf Raise
- 3 x 15 @ 125 #
GH Raise
- 3 x 12

Swings @ 28 kg, single arm switch
- 4 minutes


  1. Hi Andrew

    if its not too much trouble and you have the time please could you post a clip of you jerking and axle and doing axle high pulls.

    im working with an up and coming SA strongman guy, although SA has some top strongmen, axles are very new to SA strongmen ( this years comp will be first time), and I know your technique is text book.

    Thanks very much!
