Friday, April 10, 2009

Thursday - Apr. 9

Battling Rope 1.25" - Tabata (20sec. ON / 10sec. OFF)
TGU @ 16kg x 3 (r/l)

Hang Clean
5 x 90 kg
5 x 100
5 x 100
5 x 100

2 arm Jerk @ 24kg
- 7 minutes @ 8 rpm

1 arm Double 24kg Jerk
- 2 x 5 (r/l)

15 minutes (EDT)
Dips + 16kg
- 10 sets of 5
Hangboard Pullups
- 10 sets of 5

I used the Battling Ropes as part of my warm-up today and really liked it. I haven't used the ropes in a while and I had forgotten how well they get my blood pumping. Jerks with the 24s felt good and the 15 min EDT set was great. I plan on doing some heavy dips next week.

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