Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thursday - Feb. 19

Dot Mat warm-up

2-arm Jerk @ 32kg
- 5 minutes @ 10 rpm

Snatch @ 32kg - 20 / 20

Snatch @ 24kg, single arm switch
- 10 minutes @ 15 rpm

15 minutes EDT - 8 sets total
Ring Pushup x 5
Skull Crushers @ 75# x 5
Glute-Ham Raise x 5

Jerks felt strong again today. Snatches with the 32 did not so I dropped back to the 24kg bell for a 10 minute set which felt strong all the way through. I'll do another 10 minute snatch set on Saturday with the 28kg bell at 15 rpm. I finished up the day with a friend who was doing the 15 minute EDT set. I figured it was better to join in than to just sit and watch.

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