Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thursday - Jan. 15

Agility Ladder Warm-up
KB Arm Bar to Turkish Get-up to Windmill x 5 (r/l) - great mobility and shoulder rehab from Adam Glass.

2-arm Jerk @ 24kg
- 10 minutes @ 10 rpm (last minute 12 reps)

1-arm Jerk @ 40kg, single arm switch
- 4 minutes @ 12 rpm
- 4 minutes @ 12 rpm

Snatch @ 24kg, single arm switch
- 10 minutes @ 20 rpm

I came back later in the day and trained with some friends as well. Here is what I did:

Back Squat
10 x 135 #
5 x 225
20 x 315 - I have not done these in a while and I was pleasantly surprised with how strong they felt. They still pushed me extremely hard and I've have fun walking tomorrow...:)

My buddy then wanted to do some conditioning and I opened my big mouth with 'Fight Gone Bad'.

3 Rounds - 1 minutes rest between rounds
Burpee to Heavy Bag strikes - 21, 16, 15
Jump Rope - 117, 114, 111
Pushups - 28, 25, 22
18" Box Jumps - 34, 37, 33
Rower (cal) - 15, 15, 16

I'm taking 2 days off and will train again Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. I'm taking 2 days off and will train again Sunday.

    After that - I'd that two weeks off and go to the hospital - that's quite a workout! You fitness is way up there right now!
