Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thursday - 1/ 8

2-arm Jerk @ 24kg
- 7 minutes @ 10 rpm
- 7 minutes @ 10 rpm

12 minutes (EDT)
- Pullups - 9 sets of 5
- Leverage Press w/ monster mini bands doubled - 9 sets of 5

Front Squats
8 x 60 kg
8 x 80
8 x 90
8 x 100

Swings @ 32kg
- 50 / 50

Rolling Thunder - 5 x 5 (r/l) @ 135#

My jerk sets were separated by 6-7 minutes. The Leverage Press / Squat was designed and built by Chris Rice, I'll have some pictures up soon. It will not replace any of my training but it will be a tremendous assistance implement.

As for my shoulder, its feeling good but the snatch motion caused some discomfort so I'm giving it another day.


  1. Andrew - what did you do to anchor the bands? I've never been happy with my pile of dumbbells as an anchor - curious as to what you used.

  2. I used a 48kg and 44kg kettlebell. The 40kg bells were too light and the bands lifted them off the ground. Pile o' dumbbells / kettlebells seems to be the best.

  3. I'm going to try and come up with something better - not sure what but something.
