Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesday - Nov. 25

Back Squats @ 14" box
5 x 135 #
5 x 225
5 x 315
5 x 365
3 x 405 - belt
3 x 405 - belt
3 x 405 - belt


  1. hey andrew

    great blog!

    why do you focus on box squats as opposed to regular free squats?

    is it because you are tall? ( i think you said you were 6foot4)

    do you ever do sumo deads or see in any merit in them?

    good luck with the 200 in SN !


  2. I use box squats vary my squat depth and to make sure I am reaching the depth I want. I've done sumo deads in the past and they are valueable. I use conventional style because 1) it works for me and 2) if I enter and strongman comp, sumo is not allowed.
