Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thursday - Nov. 20

Barbell Clean + Jerk
3 x 50 kg
3 x 70
2 x 90
2 x 110

2-arm Jerk @ 36kg
- 3 minutes @ 8 rpm
- 3 minutes @ 8 rpm
- 3 minutes @ 6 rpm

Snatch @ 28kg, single arm switch
- 6 minutes @ 20 rpm

Today was my first day ever using the 36kg bells. They felt good, but they did catch up with me quick. The 3rd minute felt like the 7th minute with 32kgs. I choose to use the 28kg on the snatch set because the 36kg left me pretty beat. I didn't think I had it in me to use the 32kg.

Tomorrow I'll deadlift and then back to the bells and 32s on Sunday.

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