Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday - Sept. 16

Lots going on at the gym these days; a new owner, I physically moved locations in the gym (which meant physically moving every piece of gym equipment in the place). All of the above are good things and I will be excited when the electricity comes back on in the next few days. The remnants of Ike came through and knock out half the town. So all my training of clients and myself has taken place outside this week.

Barbell Snatch practice
25kg x 3, 3, 3
30kg x 3, 3, 3,
40kg x 3, 3, 3, 3

Tire Flip circuit x 1
300# tire flipped 20 yds
500# tire flipped 20 yds
1000# tire flipped 20 yds (1000# tire is 2 500# tractor tires bolted together)

1000# tire flipped down and back 20 yds x 2

5 Rounds of the following
20 jerks w/ 2-24kg kbells
20 box jumps @ 24"
300 yds run

Overall, just a good conditioning day. I didn't have the mental energy to tackle a heavy workout so I went the CrossFit way and just trained for improved conditioning. I was able to get some light technique work in with my barbell snatches. I'll probably do more of the same on Thursday.

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