Sunday, July 6, 2008

Training Day - July 4 - Friday

Incline Log Press
5 x 164 lbs.
5 x 186
5 x 208
5 x 230
3 x 252

230 felt good today and went for 252. I tried staying with a 1 sec. pause on my chest as I do not believe they are going to allow a touch and go, better to be prepared.

Bent Over Row
5 x 70 kg
5 x 100
5 x 120
5 x 140
5 x 150

I cannot say the last set was super strict, but it was good to feel the weight.

Standing Press - Axle
5 x 50 kg
5 x 65
5 x 70
5 x 75
3 x 77

Strict Presses are still a weakness of mine. These felt heavy from the first set.

160lbs. atlas stone load onto 36" box - 3 sets of 5 - nice and easy today

3 x climb my 12' climbing rope - 1 1/4"

DB Speed Curls start at 45lbs.
- what I do is start at a weight I feel I can do 10 reps with and then continue to go down the rack doing sets of 10 til I finish with the 5 lbs. DB. Its a quick (speed) way of working your arms.

DB Speed Tris start at 85 lbs.
- same thing as bis but with french press overhead

Rest and stretch over the weekend.

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