Monday, July 14, 2008

Training Day - July 14 - Monday

Speed Squats @ 305 lbs. + average jump stretch bands
15 sets of 2 on the minute

Axle Clean + Jerk
3 x 45 kg
2 x 65
2 x 80
2 x 95
2 x 105

Kettlebell Snatch @ 32 kg
1) 15
2) 15
3) 15
4) 15

1) 15
2) 15
3) 15
4) 15

Seated Calf Raise
15 x 45 lbs
10 x 115
5 x 170
5 x 180
5 x 190

Captains of Crush Grippers
sport x 10
trainer x 10
#1 x 5
#2 x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Squats felt heavy today, but the clean and jerks felt light, so it was just one of those days. I did some kb snatches because I talked to Valery last night and I felt bad for not doing any kettlebell lifting since returning from Germany. I still lifted with a soccer shinguard on the back of my right wrist. I hope to be healed soon so I can get back to more kettlebell training. I stayed with 4 minute sets because I did not want to over fatigue myself with a contest this weekend.

I trained grip today so I can train it again on wednesday. I will not train anything else on wednesday nor at all on thursday and friday. Saturday should be a good day at Western New Yorks Strongest Man.

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