Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Training Day - July 1 - Tuesday

Speed Bench @ 135lbs. + mini bands
15 sets of 3 reps done on the minute

15 Minutes (EDT)
Standing Log Press @ 164lbs. (strict presses)
1 set x 5
4 sets x 3
1 set x 2
Total reps = 19

Bent Over Row @ 225lbs.
6 sets x 5
Total reps = 30

Tabata Situps - 8 sets of full situps (hands on stomach) 20 sec. On / 10 sec. Off
I was able to maintain 15 reps every 20 sec. total reps 120

Jump Stretch Band Curls, with mini-band, step in the middle and curl, 3 sets of 10
Jump Strecth Band Tri-Extensions, with monster mini-band, loop on heel, extend arm overhead, 3 sets of 12 each arm

Today was my first day ever doing bench press with the bands. It was easy and probably could have used more weight on the bar. My shoulders don't anyway like me benching so I erred on the light side.

The EDT set kicked my butt. Overhead pressing is a weakness of mine, I think my 6'6'' wing span doesn't help. I went with the Bent Over Rows to help condition the lower back for picking up heavy objects off the ground in strongman.

The Tabata Situps are great because I don't like doing ab work (its boring to me and so very rarely gets done). This gets them over fast and conditions them for fast, intense work.

The band curls and extensions were to shore up some weaknesses and I didn't have much energy for anything else.

Wednesday is a rest and stretching day. It will be very much welcomed.

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