Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Tuesday - May 31

Kettlebell Snatch set
 - 10 minutes, single arm switch
 - 22rpm
 - 20kg
 - last minute on each arm was a challenge today.  Changed technique to more of a squat swing to save grip.  Still maintained pace and competition standards.

10 SuperSets
 - 500m Row - drag#5 (1:40.3, 1:39.7, 1:39.0, 1:39.4, 1:39.1, 1:39.5, 1:39.8, 1:37.7, 1:36.9, 1:34.6)
 - pushups x20
 - decline situp #2 x20

 x2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2

 x 25, 20, 15, 10

Neck exercises x25
DB Shrug @ 50# x25

Friday, May 27, 2016

Friday - May 27

Play on the slackline

Front Squat (off 115kg max)
 5 x 60, 70kg
 3 x 81kg
 3 x 92kg
 3+ @ 104kg x 4

Trap Deadlift (off 230kg max)
 5 x 75, 135kg
 3 x 161kg
 3 x 184kg
 3+ @ 207kg x 3

Single Leg Deadlift
 8 x 16, 20, 24kg

Seated Calf Raise
 8 x 45, 70, 105, 105, 105#

Neck exercises x25
DB Shrug @ 50# x25

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Thursday - May 26

Road Run
 - 1.3 miles
 - 11:55
 - 8:55 pace

6 Rounds
 - 20sec. Work / 10sec. Rest x 10 sets - rower (calories) and air-dyne (load) - alternating each round
            (86cal, 156, 76cal, 153, 79cal, 165)
 - 1 minute each - 30 sec. rest between
    1) pushup (63, 61, 60, 60, 58, 65)
    2) pullup (15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 18)
    3) situp (42, 36, 40, 36, 40, 37)
    4) squat (28, 29, 29, 32, 30, 32)
    5) plank (completed all)
 - 200 yds. Yoke Walk (215#) and DB Farmers Walk (45#) - alternating each round

Road Run
 - 1.3 miles
 - 12:38
 - 9:11 pace

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wednesday - May 25

Pullups - 2x7
 - regular
 - reverse
 - close
 - wide
 - neutral

 - regular 2x15
 - close 2x10
 - wide 2x15
 - hindu 2x15
Dips 2x15
Arm Haulers 3x30

8-count Burpee x15

Neck Exercises x25
DB Shrug @50# x25

Ab Circuit x2
 - Situp x40
 - 4-way crunch x40
 - Leg lever x40
 - Flutter Kicks x50
 - 1/2 situp x40

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Tuesday - May 24

Greg came down again and is training for a GoRuck Tough challenge specifically.  I was happy to add up some fun.

Kettlebell Snatch set
 - 10 minutes, single arm switch
 - 20kg
 - 22rpm

 - 200 yds warm-up (3:45)
 - rest 2:45
 - 500 yds w/ fins (8:07)
 - rest 5:45
 - 10 sets - 100yds + 15 pushups, 15 crunches (28:36)
 - back floating and treading water (3:22)
 - 52:30 total time in the water

 - Wooster Memorial Park outer loop
 - 4.8 miles
 - 22# pack
 - Every 20 minutes perform 20 reps of each (pushup, situp, burpee, squat) - ended up with 5 total sets
 - 1:57:53 total time rucking

Definitely a long duration training day but loads of fun. We started at 10:15a and I was back to the gym after a shower at 3p for clients. No formal lunch, just 2 meal bars and some water.  Lots of snacking once back at the gym.

We'll be doing another special training session this Thursday, it will be a killer.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Monday - May 23

Pullups - 2x7
 - regular
 - reverse
 - close
 - wide
 - neutral

 - regular 2x15
 - close 2x10
 - wide 2x15
 - hindu 2x15
Dips 2x15
Arm Haulers 3x30

Neck Exercises x25
DB Shrug @50# x25

Ab Circuit x2
 - Situp x40
 - 4-way crunch x40
 - Leg lever x40
 - Flutter Kicks x50
 - 1/2 situp x40

Erg - drag #8
 - 30minutes
 - 7331m
 - 2:02.8 ave500m
 - nice and easy. Nothing special.

Saturday - May 21

Sorinex Summer Strong 9

Ultimate Athlete Combine (10 events)
 - Hand dynometer (3 attempts each hand): I was 106-120 on both hands.
 - Standing Broad Jump (3 attempts): 9' 5" best
 - 10 yds Dash: 1.63 second
 - VersaClimber 1-minute sprint: 276 vertical feet
 - 185# Bench Press w/ Tendo: 700
 - TrapDL (elevated handles): 620# (650 was glued)
 - VersaPulley thing: 594 watts
 - 25# weight-vest + 40# sandbag carry to top of University of South Carolina football stadium and back down for time: 4:09
 - 2000m Row: 6:45
 - KIM test (Keep In Memory): we were shown 10 items for 2-minutes before we started the combine and then had to list and describe 4 attributes of each at the end of the combine.  I was good for 9/10 items with 4 descriptions of each, completely blanked on one item.  Items were; Rubber Mallet, Sorinex Bosco Stickers, Metal Knurled Bar (the items I missed), File Folder, Tie-Down Ring, Small Plastic Doll, Phillips Screwdriver, Emergency Strobe/Flashlight, Pulling Harness and a Flat-Metal Wrench.  So I totaled 36/40 for this event.

Overall I placed 4th and tweaked my hamstring/glute on the 10 yds. dash.  We did some grip feats and lifts at the after party, but nothing too crazy (blobs/db's)

Thursday - May 19

Road Bike
 - 22.88 miles
 - 1:08:31
 - 20.0 aveMPH
 - 89 ave cadence
 - 140 aveHR
 - 172 maxHR
 - performed a 20-minute Functional Threshold Power test to begin the ride (after a ten minute warm-up).  FTP heart rate was 158 bpm.

Transition Time: 3-5 minutes

Road Run
 - 5.0 miles
 - 40:40
 - 8:05 pace
 - was very happy to run this well off the bike for this distance.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wednesday - May 18

1 to 10, 10 to 1 Pyramid
 - pullup x1
 - pushup x2
 - situp x3

Neck exercises x20
DB Shrug @ 50# x20

8-count Burpee x10

Max Pushup in 2minutes: 78
Max situp in 2minutes: 69
Max pullups: 15

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tuesday - May 17

Kettlebell Snatch set
 - 20kg
 - 10 minutes, single arm switch
 - 22 rpm
 - didn't feel great going into this but it ended up being the easiest (RPE) 22rpm with 20kg set to date.

Front Squat (off 115kg max)
 5 x 50, 63kg
 5 x 75kg
 5 x 86kg
 5+ @ 98kg x 6

Trap Deadlift (off 230kg max)
 5 x 75, 125kg
 5 x 150kg
 5 x 175kg
 5+ @ 196kg x 6

Seated Calf Raise
 8 x 45, 70, 105, 105, 105#

After Lunch.....

Malcolm sends me a text message about Klokov doing a middle finger deadlift with 45kg, says he got to 42.5kg and asks what I can do?

I put 40kg on a bar and it was super easy.  50kg was next and it was hard but a full pull.  A warm-up and chalk would have helped but maybe only for another 3-5kg.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Monday - May 16

Erg (drag #4)
 - 15 minutes
 - 3785m
 - 1:58.9 ave500m
 - aveHR 134
 - maxHR 144

Max pushup in 2 minutes: 83
Max situps in 2 minutes: 66
Max pullups: 18

Erg (drag #4)
 - 15 minutes
 - 3817m
 - 1:57.9 ave500m
 - aveHR 142
 - maxHR 155

Felt sluggish to start the day but rehydrated and performed well.  Again I'm seeing the need to drink more on my rides to maintain energy.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Sunday - May 15

Road Bike
 - 74.22 miles
 - 4:15:06
 - 17.5 aveMPH
 - ave cadence 84
 - normalized power 192
 - 45 degrees outside temp and strong winds
 - heart rate data and other metrics are not downloading.

I've done a better job of eating and drinking calories for sustained energy but still need to improve and take in more to be able to run 13.1 after a hard ride.

The missing HR data
 - aveHR 140
 - maxHR 240 (looking at my HR graph I cannot find where this spike occured)
 - 4508ft. of elevation gained

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Saturday - May 14

My buddy Greg came into town and we did a short training circuit for fun before lunch.

10 to 1
 - 25# DB Thruster
 - 25# DB Lunge (r/l)
 - TRX Push-up/Knee Tuck
 - 12' Rope Climb from seated position, no feet. (only one climb per round)

Felt good for not planning.  On the bike tomorrow.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Friday - May 13

 - 500 yds warm-up (10:25)
 - 3:00 rest
 - 15 x 100yds on 7/8 breathes rest (1:59-2:03)
 - 3:00 rest
 - 200yds breaststroke (4:58)
 - 2:00 rest
 - 6 x 50yds sighting drills - the youtube videos i watched really helped show the technique to make this rather smooth.
 - 2500yds total (1:06:34 total time in the water)

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thursday - May 12

De-Load weights

Front Squat (off 115kg max)
 5 x 50, 60kg
 5 x 65kg
 5 x 70kg
 5 @ 75kg 

Trap Deadlift (off 230kg max)
 5 x 75, 115kg
 5 x 125kg
 5 x 140kg
 5 @ 150kg

Seated Calf Raise
 8 x 45, 70, 95, 95, 95#

1 to 10, 10 to 1 Pyramid
 - pullup x1
 - pushup x2
 - situp x3

Neck exercises x20
DB Shrug @ 50# x20

8-count Burpee x10

Max Pushup in 2minutes: 79
Max situp in 2minutes: 75
Max pullups: 17

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Wednesday - May 11

Road Run
 - 8.0 miles
 - 1:10:21
 - 8:40 pace
 - aveHR 150
 - maxHR 172

Feeling great to maintain a lower heart rate at this pace and distance.  IT bands were a little tight at the end, but otherwise feeling strong.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tuesday - May 10

Kettlebell Snatch set
 - 20kg
 - 10 minutes, single arm switch
 - 22 rpm

Monday, May 9, 2016

Monday - May 9

 - 60 minutes
 - drag #4
 - 15,122m
 - 1:59.0 ave500m
 - aveHR 131
 - maxHR 141

Max Pushups in 2 minutes: 83
Max Situps in 2 minutes: 64
Max Pullups: 16

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Saturday - May 7

Wooster Duathlon - bike leg
 - Kyle did the running legs (1.5 and 3.1 miles)
 - 13.26 miles
 - 36:27
 - 21.83 aveMPH
 - normalized power 237 watts
 - aveHR 165
 - maxHR 183

I rode really well and set a new course record, by 7 sec., which I'm very happy about.  Still a few areas to improve upon, but a strong start to the year.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Thursday - May 5

10 SuperSets
 - 1000m Row, drag #6 (3:19.2, 3:24.9, 3:24.3, 3:23.1, 3:23.4, 3:24.1, 3:22.8, 3:23.1, 3:21.9, 3:18.7)
 - 20 pushups
 - 20 decline situps #1

Pullups x2, 4, 6, 8, 10
 - regular
 - reverse
 - close
 - wide

Arm Haulers
 - 2 x 75

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Wednesday - May 4

Front Squat (off 110kg max)
 5 x 60, 72kg
 5 x 83kg
 3 x 94kg
 1+ @ 105kg x 3

Trap Deadlift (off 230kg max)
 5 x 75, 125, 150kg
 5 x 173kg
 3 x 196kg
 1+ @ 219kg x 2

Road Run
 - 2.9 miles
 - 23:33
 - 7:47 pace
 - aveHR 148
 - maxHR 168

Seated Calf Raise
 5 x 45, 70, 105, 115, 130, 130#

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Tuesday - May 3

Kettlebell Snatch set
 - 20kg
 - 10 minutes, single arm switch
 - 22 rpm
 - only used minimal chalk on the hands, none on the kb.  This definitely challenged the grip during the last minute on each arm, but maintained pace with diligent focus.

 - 200 yard warm-up (4:09)
 - rest 2:00
 - 100(2:11)/200(4:25)/300(6:48)/400(8:03) @ 20 sec. rest
 - 4:45 rest - talking about my swim stroke with local tri coach
 - 400(9:04)/300(6:50)/200(4:28)/100(2:09) @ 20sec. rest
 - from talking with Shawn, I need to increase my arm turnover rate and do a better job of fully exhaling underwater.  I'll be hiring his instruction after the half-ironman for sure.  We also spoke about not changing up too much with only 2 months to go.  I'll be slow (but will survive) the swim this year.

Later in the evening after work........

Road Bike
 - 16.7 miles
 - 51:57
 - ave cadence 94
 - aveMPH 19.3

Transition Time: 2:58

Road Run
 - 0.9 miles
 - 7:32 (shoe came untied and stopped to re-tie)
 - 7:42 pace

Monday, May 2, 2016

Monday - May 2

20 SuperSets - on 2 minute interval (40 minutes total)
 - Close Pushup x10
 - Situp x7
 - Pushup x10
 - Reverse Crunch x7
 - Wide Pushup x10
 - 1/2 Situp x7

Road Run
 - 4.1 miles
 - 32:36
 - 7:54 pace
 - aveHR 154
 - maxHR 174
 - really felt strong running today

Break for lunch....

Pullups x16, 14, 12
Dips x25, 20, 15